Lectures, hosts, and participants of the 2016 Training Workshop on Modelling Climate and Forest Ecosystems in a Changing Climate
The opening panel. From left to right, Dr. Guangyu Wang, Dr. Zuofeng Zuang, Dr. Chen Xiaoming, Dr. Peter Marshall, and Dr. Linsen Zhao
The opening panel
Dr. Guangyu Wang’s opening presentation
Dr. John Inne giving his lecture via Skype on climate change and forest management policy
Dr. Tonlgi Wang, Dr. Peter Marshall, and Dr. Huan-Yu Lin have a discussion during the break.
Workshop participants
Dr. Peter Marshall’s lecture on Forest Inventory
Dr. Peter Marshall
Dr. Tongli Wang’s lecture on ClimateAP
Dr. Tongli Wang and the workshop participants
The group enjoying lunch together
Dr. Brad Seely
Dr. Brad Seely presenting on the FORECAST model
Dr. Haijun Kang
Dr. Brad Seely
Workshop participants
Dr. Lin Cao presenting on LiDAR applications
Dr. Guiliang Liu presenting on the use of artificial intelligence in forestry
Dr. Lin Cao running examples of LiDAR applications
Dr. Futao Guo’s presentation on climate change and forest fire management
Dr. Siti Nurhidayu Abu Bakar presenting the workplan for research conducted at the Malaysian pilot site.
Dr. Sithong Thongmanivong presenting the workplan for the Laos pilot site.
Dr. Huan-Yu Lin’s presentation on the workplan for the Chinese Taipei pilot site.
Ms. Shari Mang giving the workshop’s closing presentation.